
How To Set Up A Nonprofit In Virginia

  • Board of Directors/Governance

Setting Up Your Nonprofit Board of Directors

When you commencement a charitable organization, i of the most of import decisions you'll brand is selecting your board of directors. Your board is legally responsible for governance, fiduciary, and strategic oversight of your nonprofit corporation. This usually includes ratification of your initial bylaws, as well equally overseeing budget management. The board has an obligation to the donating public for ensuring that the nonprofit stays on mission and operates effectively.

How to Cull Lath Members

The most of import question you lot should inquire when assessing board prospects is: does your prospective board member have a passion for the mission of your organization? If they're non willing to give their time, money, and resource, they're non a good fit. Board members should also take some business skills and be willing (and able!) to help make financial decisions. Information technology can be tempting to seek wealthy or prestigious names to join your lath, but if they are non people of action and enthusiasm, they will be a detriment to the arrangement. It should become without maxim that lath members should have integrity and value compliance and transparency.

Information technology is also important to consider your board as a unit when identifying board prospects. Remember, family members and business associates cannot brand up a majority of a public charity's lath. Another important consideration is the range of skills and experience that your board represents. Ideally, your board will represent a diversity of skills that will assist support all areas of your nonprofit – fundraising, governance, and programs. Fifty-fifty on a private foundation board, which allows for much closer relationships, having a healthy representation of necessary talents is nevertheless vitally of import.

IRS Requirements & Other Details

The IRS generally requires a minimum of three board members for every nonprofit, simply does not dictate lath term length. What is important to call back is that board service terms aren't intended to exist perpetual, and are typically ane to v years. Service terms must be outlined in the nonprofit bylaws. New board members are typically nominated and given an upwardly or downward vote by existing board members in traditional organizations, and by stakeholder vote in nonprofits that operate via membership.

The IRS expects (and country law unremarkably dictates) that a lath of directors should meet a minimum of once a year, and best practices suggest four times a year. During these meetings, the almanac budget is passed, and operational and strategic decisions requiring votes are discussed. It is important to recollect that the board of directors is responsible for the governance of the nonprofit, not the management.

Strategy & Governance

The board is tasked with setting the strategic direction. It should not be involved in the day-to-24-hour interval management of the nonprofit. In small organizations, when it is typical for the Executive Director of the nonprofit to likewise occupy a board office, it'due south specially important to mind this difference. This is the key difference between governance and management.  Governance oversees operations, approves the annual budget, and sets strategic goals. Management, on the other paw, makes the mean solar day-to-day tactical decisions that help the organization achieve those goals.


Selecting your nonprofit's board members is no pocket-sized task. These people are legally responsible for governance, fiduciary, and strategic oversight of your nonprofit corporation. They have a duty to the nonprofit's donor base to make certain it is effectively operating on mission to serve the public. We wish you lot the best of luck in choosing board members.

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Greg McRay, EA

Greg McRay is the founder and CEO of The Foundation Group. He is registered with the IRS every bit an Enrolled Agent and specializes in 501(c)(iii) and other taxation exemption issues.


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